Easter Fun Show!

We are just weeks away from the Easter Fun Show!  Every year, Canterbury hosts two Fun Shows – one near Easter and one near Halloween.  These shows are for riders who are currently taking lessons or boarding at Canterbury.  Classes are a reasonable $5 each, with a $10 fee for using a Canterbury horse (unless you are leasing said horse).  The Easter show is a great opportunity for riders to show off what they have been working hard on all winter long!  Classes include:

  • Beginner Walk/Trot
  • Open Walk/Trot
  • Beginner Walk/Trot/Canter
  • Open Walk/Trot/Canter
  • Groundpoles
  • Beginner Crosspoles
  • Open Crosspoles
  • Egg and Spoon
  • Dollar Bareback
  • Double Bareback
  • 2′ Jumper
  • 2′ Hunter
  • And a special Mystery Class


Beginner classes are just for beginner riders.  Open classes are open to all riders, regardless of skill level, so beginner and more advanced riders will compete against each other.  If you have any questions about what classes to enter, just ask Sandy.

Families are also asked to bring a dish to share for a pitch-in breakfast/lunch.  Formal show attire is not required, and prizes are awarded in the form of CANDY!  Check out the album for pictures of past Easter shows.